
New ...... and newborn

本日の完成品はLehua のMさんのファーストキルトです。ふんわりと優しいイメージでアップリケもキルトもとても綺麗に仕上げていただきました。はなまる〜〜

Today's quilt〜 Ms. M finished her first quilt. Her work is very good!


Two new people joined this class today, they chose same color coincidently. Because they had a near-daughter of age, the girls were able to play together.

そして今年生まれたベビーちゃん、お揃いのビブをつけてくれました。可愛い〜〜💓 いっぱい使ってね!

They are ANELA babies, and they put Hawaiian quilt bibs on. Super cute 💓

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