

本日Lehua の完成品はYさんのベビーキルトです。健やかに元気に育って欲しいという願いを込め、HonuとUlu でデザインしました。ご長男誕生直後から作られたので、初めての育児にたくさんの喜びと同時にご苦労された事もしっかり縫い込まれたそう。本当に想い出深い作品となりましたね。大はなまる〜〜

Today's quilt is this baby quilt that Ms. Y just finished.  She started to make it from right after her first son was born, she felt not only pleasure but also blue feelings during making. This quilt was designed with turtle and bread fruits, and wish healthy long life. It must become an unforgettable and precious quilt for both mom and son. Great job!

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