今日11月28日はハワイにとって、とても大切な日、Lā kūʻokoʻaです。
Lā kūʻokoʻaはハワイの主権と独立を記念して1843年に初めて祝われたハワイ王国の祭日。
時はKamehameha 3世の治世の間、ハワイ王国初の外交官Timoteo Ha'alilio はWilliam Richards と共にミッションを遂行、その努力によって🇺🇸、🇬🇧、🇫🇷がハワイの独立を公式に認めた年です。
Ha'alilio はハワイへの帰路で亡くなりますが、その使命を果たし、その後50年にわたりハワイの独立が祝われることになったのです。
まさに女神ペレが人々に知らしめるのかの如くMauna loaの噴火が起こったのです🌋
Today, November 28, is Lā kūʻokoʻa, a very important day for Hawaiʻi.
Lā kūʻokoʻa is a holiday of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi, first celebrated in 1843 to commemorate Hawaiian sovereignty and independence.
During the reign of King Kamehameha III, Timoteo Haʻalilio, the first diplomat of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi, along with William Richards, carried out the mission, and through their efforts, the United States, England, and France officially recognized Hawaiʻi's independence.
Ha'alilio would passed away on his way back to Hawaii, but he fulfilled his mission and Hawaii's independence would be celebrated for the next 50 years.
After Hawaii was overthrown and annexed by the United States, this day was far from people's consciousness.
The eruption of Mauna Loa was as if the goddess Pele had made the day known to the people.The mystery of Hawaii is still amazing!
For some reason it makes me hot in the pit of my stomach too❤️🔥It's not heartburn🤣

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