Hula Club ANELA participated in sjDANCE at Santana Row today. Some members helped to set up the stage as volunteer.
ANELAはリロ&スティッチの原曲でもある「He Inoa o Kalakaua 」とアップテンポで楽しく踊れるハワイ島の曲「Mahalo e Hilo Hanakahi」の2曲を踊りました。
A lot of dance groups got involved in this event, each group had five minutes for their performance. Mana chose "He Inoa o Kalakaua" which is a famous song as original song of "Lilo & Stitch", and the song for up-tempo dance "Mahalo e Hilo Hanakahi".
モダンダンス、バレエなどの参加が多い中、フラは珍しかった事も手伝ってか、観客の反応はとても良く、終わった後次々と他の参加者や観客からお褒めの言葉をいただきました。感激! 青空の下で踊るフラは格別。短い時間でしたがメンバーが一丸となって楽しめた素敵なイベントでした。
Since ANELA is only one hula group, they attracted the audience very much. After performance, they got many compliments from other participants and audiences one after another. It makes them happy!!
Under the blue sky, dancing hula....ANELA's members really enjoyed this moment.