
子供がいっぱい!  Keiki!!


New quilt class starts from this month, and main class starts again from next month. All of the new class's members bring their babies, and they enjoy their quilts little by little, while comforting their babies.

フラクラブも新メンバーが増えました。そしてこちらも来年から新しいレッスンが始まります。来週末に行われるイベントに子供たちと新メンバーも参加することになり、新しいPa'u をたくさん縫いました。みんなでお揃いのPa'u は本当に可愛い。今日はコスチュームをつけて元気に練習しました。当日が楽しみです。

Four new members joined in Hula club ANELA, and new class will start from next month.
Five keiki join in the next event, and new members join in it too.  They wore new pa'u and practiced today.......so pretty!!


Tomorrow is Sunday, Mana may press for time to make quilt kits, accessories and costume, all day.
She is grateful to enjoying with them.

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