本日のキルトは日本から届いたこちらのトートバッグの完成報告です! 昨年、本帰国される際、お持ち帰りになったキットを着々と製作してくださっているYさんの作品です。
爽やかなブルーにHonu & Monstera のパターンはこれから近づく夏のお出かけにぴったりですね!はなまる〜〜
Today's quilt is this tote bag that completion report arrived from Japan! It is the work of Ms. Y who is steadily making the kit that she brought when she returned to Japan last year.
The refreshing blue color and Honu & Monstera patterns are perfect for the upcoming summer outings!
After she finished quilting, she asked me how to make a bag. I had a video call with her and explain, because explanation is not easy by message. I was very glad that I could talk while watching her face.
We can share the same time ,face to face... it's ALOHA indeed.
I really appreciate this world with technology.
She lives in Hokkaido now, and they are under not being relieved situation yet. Please stay healthy and safe. I am looking forward to meeting you and hearing your question about new quilt soon.
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