Have you ever heard of the word Ahupua'a?
Hawaii's land division system called the larger islands of Kauai, Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii Island mokupuni, while parts of mokupuni and smaller islands were called moku. The islands are divided into valleys along the peaks into areas called Ahupua'a.
The ahupua`a of Hawai`i were established by the ali`i to organize the distribution of resources and people. Anahupua`a traditionally ran from the mountains to the near-shore reef, and optimally included land and ocean resources that would sustain the population living in the ahupua`a. All of the residents in the ahupua`a had kuleana, responsibilities, to care for the resources and support the konohiki and the chief of the island. During the time of ke ali`i Mailekukahi – around the 15th-16th centuries – the ahupua`a system functioned most efficiently and the island populations thrived. It is estimated that the number of people living on O`ahu during that time rivaled the population of today.
Use of the pig’s head, often carved kukui wood, was mounted on an altar – or ahu – of stones. This monument marked the boundary line of the land section.And in recent years, symbols have been erected on major roads on Oahu.
There is one on Ala Moana Boulevard, so look for it next time you are in Hawaii.

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