
チャリティーセール charity sale

東日本大震災からもうすぐ丸4年が経ちます。未だに避難生活を強いられている方が23万人以上いらっしゃるそうです。明日、Bay Area HEART さんの主催で復興支援チャリティーセールが行われます。ANELAもわずかですが、時間のあるときに小物を作りました。被災地に親戚や知人はいませんが、避難生活をされている方々、ワンちゃんネコちゃんなどを思って針を進めていたら涙が出そうでした。

Full four years pass from the Great East Japan Earthquake soon. The people who are still forced to life as an evacuee seems to be more than 230,000 people. A reconstruction aid charity sale is carried out by sponsorship of Bay Area HEART tomorrow.  ANELA made small products for the sale. There are not any relatives and friends in the stricken area, however, Mana almost cried when she thought about sufferers in the shelter (also dogs and cats), while she was making quilt.


After Mana knowing the plan of charity sail, there was not enough time until delivery of goods.  Mana prepared it quickly, so did not a good finish. . . Mana almost cry in a different meaning, too.


Bay Area HEART 震災復興支援チャリティセール
会場:Santa Clara Valley Japanese Christian Church, 40 Union Ave, Campbell
主催:Bay Area HEART (Hands, Efforts and Acts toward Relief for Tohoku)

There are a lot of very wonderful things and tasty foods.......ANELA pray for success.

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