

本日の完成品 Lehua のSさんのロングプレースマット? 一見テーブルランナーなのですが(もちろんランナーとして十分使えるサイズ)ランチョンマットを2枚つなげた形にしたいという発想で製作された作品です。ワンポイントをHonu とPlumeria にし変化をつけました。とーっても素敵ですね。はなまる〜〜

Today's quilt is these long place mat that were made by Ms. S.  This looks like a table runner ( of course, it is able to use as a runner) but she came up with the idea of connecting two place mat. Wow, it's incredible idea! Very good work!


Ms. M made this quilt as a gift for her mother.  A lot of plumeria flower are blooming on the quilt. Very lovely.

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