
ANELA の庭 from ANELA's garden

今我が家はバラの花がたくさん咲いています。ハワイ語でバラはLoke ロケといいマウイ島の島の花はLoke Lani 「天国のバラ」です。

Many roses bloomed in my garden. In Hawaiian, a rose is Loke, and the flower of Maui island is Loke Lani, it means "Rose of heaven".

これはパッションフラワー。ハワイ語ではLilikoi リリコイです。

This is a passion flower.  In Hawaiian, Lilikoi. I plan to make a lilikoi butter, if it bears a lot of fruits.


I got some branches of plumeria(frangipani) from the garden of my friends when I visited Florida the other day. Plumeria was introduced to the Hawaiian Islands in the 19th century. But, originally they were used only in cemeteries. “graveyard tree”.  So for a while, people didn’t want to wear them, because they saw these flowers as a symbol of death. But today, plumeria is used for all kinds of things. They are commonly used to make leis which is often given  as a sign of welcome, or  congratulations.

フラに使うIpu, Ipu Heke (ひょうたん)も栽培してみようと種を取り寄せてこちらも植えてみました。しっかり育ててイプヘケを作りたいし、フラクラブでも自分のイプを作っていただきたいなと思っています。楽しみです!

 I got some seeds from Ipu farm, and sowed seeds today. I want to make my Ipu Heke.

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