本日のキルトはカリフォルニアLehua クラス、Sさんのファーストキルトです。色んなスケジュールの間をぬってじっくりと取り掛かってくださいました。選ばれた色が赤だったのでクリスマスまでに完成を!とラストスパートをかけホリデーシーズンに彩りを添えられました❤️
Today's quilt is Ms.S's first quilt from the Lehua class in California. She needed time to finish during her busy schedules. The color chosen was red, so she made an effort to complete by Christmas! Yes, it really good for the seasons, like Christmas & New year, and also Valentine's day too❤️ good job!
The completion of the work gives a person satisfying. For the next project, she is thinking about what her family can use in their room. I am looking forward to getting the new order. And now, I visit various fabric stores in Oahu....... but I noticed they don't have the bright solid color cotton.
I personally like those colors, but it it's not like a image of Hawaii, is it? The sense of color also reflects the place and the times. It's interesting. Aloha