パナエヴァはまだククイの木に変装していましたが、さらにブドウのつるで覆い隠しました。しかしパナエヴァは動くことも逃げることもできませんでした。 ヒイアカは、大洪水がパナエワを根こそぎ引き抜き、海がその打ちのめされた体を飲み込んでいく様を見ていました。
Pana’ewa, leader of the mo’o clan, had not yet joined the
fight, waiting to see how the mo’o forces fared. Soon it became obvious that
Hi’iaka was getting the best of them. Disguised as a kukui tree, Pana’ewa moved
closer to Hi’iaka, who was at rest
for the moment.
however, was not fooled. She called out a prayer to Pele for help. The prayer
drifted over the crater of Halema’uma’u and caught Pele’s ear. The goddess
called upon a host of deities of nature the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, Wind,
Rain, Thunder, Lightning-to become Hi’iaka’s allies and aid her in her quest.
Pana’ewa, still disguised as a kukui tree, was immediately
enshrouded by a tangle of vines that held it fast. Pana’ewa could not move or
flee. Hi’iaka watched as a torrential flood uprooted Pana’ewa and then washed
the groveling body out to sea.
The perils of their path were not yet over. The girls
eventually came to an abrupt precipice that ended the trail. Below raged the
surf. The girls had to decide whether to take a lengthy inland detour or chance
swimming the surf at the mouth of Waipi’o Valley. Pa’uopla’a and Wahine’oma’o
thought the swim might prove refreshing after the heated battle with Mo’o
Hi’iaka thought otherwise. She could sense the danger in
surf. To prove her point, she plucked a branch of a ki plant and held it over
the edge of the precipice. The girls watched in doubt and were already removing
their clothes to jump in. Suddenly a gray shape rose up from below. The water
boiled in confusion, and the huge shark, Maka’ukiu, snatched the stick from
Hi’iaka. Her point was proven. She gave battle and slayed the vicious shark,
putting an end to another evil being.
その後、彼女たちはワイピオ渓谷とワイマヌ渓谷を通過しました。 ヒイアカは、ここがモオラウ率いるどう猛な飛びマヒキモオの住処であることを知っていました。モオの血生臭い仕業は彼女たちがトレイルの脇で2つのバラバラな死体に出くわしたとき確かなものになりました。 ヒイアカはモオに呪いをかけ、彼女の薬効力を使って感謝を示した男性を健康に戻し、彼らをポロルの近くで休ませました。この出来事が彼女に残酷な獣の縄張りを失くし去ることをさらに深く決心させました。
Embarrassed by their doubt in Hi’iaka’s better judgement,
the girls quietly put their clothes back on. The long detour now seemed a much
better choice.
The girls then passed through the area of Waipi’o and
Waimanu Valleys. Hi’iaka knew this was the home of the ferocious jumping Mahiki
mo’o led by Mo’olau. The bloody work of the mo’o became evident when the girls
came upon two dismembered corpses by the side of the trail. Hi’iaka cursed the
mo’o and utilized her medicinal powers to restore the grateful men to health,
leaving them resting near Pololu. This made her further determined to rid the
land of the cruel beasts.
Using her magical pa’u skirt, she then went after Mo’olau
himself, engaging in fierce battle. Reinforced by help from the divine elements
summoned by Pele herself, Hi’iaka made short work of the beastly horde of mo’o,
killing and scattering them in all directions.
ジャンピング-モオの住処であるWaipio とWaimanu渓谷はこの辺り。ハワイ島最北端のKohala周辺です。Kohalaはカメハメハ一世の生誕地ですね。