

サンフランシスコベイエリアの外出禁止令が5月まで延長されることになり、少なくとも後一ヶ月はこの状況が続くことになりました。今まで通りライフラインは確保されているし、今日Cost-co に行ったら、紙類を含めた商品もたくさん入荷していて、品薄などの危機感も感じませんでした。でも、ふだんマスクをする習慣がないアメリカ人が皆マスクをし、使い捨て手袋をつけて買い物する姿は、やはり非常事態であることを突きつけられます。


Let's dance with Mana. This video from California, is explained only Japanese, but will be helpful for our situation now, Shelter in place. Let's dance! let's move your body! for your health.

ディズニー映画の「Moana」で使われた『Logo Te Pate』という曲に振付をしました。ハワイよりもっと南にある小さな島で使われているTokelauanという耳馴染みのない言葉で歌われているのですが、その発音がとてもキャッチーでついつい口ずさんでしまいます。楽しく元気が出る曲なのでひとりでも多くの人に踊って欲しいという思いで動画をつくりました。ご家族みんなで練習して踊ってください。そして楽しい〜っ!と思ったら、是非お友達にもシェアーしてください。
(曲がわからない方、youtube 28分あたりから通しのダンスをご覧になれます。)
歌っているTe Vaka さんにも連絡をしてこの小さなmovementに気持ちよく曲の使用を許可していただきました。ぜひトライしてください!!

みなさんからの動画の受付は5月2日が締め切りです! anelabymana@gmail.com までメールください。映像ファイルの送り先をお送りします。weTransfer を利用します。

Dance is fun! but just dancing by yourself is boring a little .....we need somthing for keeping up our feeling, we need goals.
After you can dance, please take a video of you are dancing.
I collect videos sent by May 2nd and make one nice video. Please join us!

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ペレとヒイアカ ③





While Paoa bewailed Lohi'au 's death on Kaua'i, the sister of Pele, at the seashore in Puna, had other concerns.
Pele was still asleep on her lava slab, and some of the anxious sisters thought she might be dead. She hadn't moved for days. However, none of the sisiters dared to attempt waking Pele. To do so would incur serious consequences from the firey Pele should she just be sleeping.
The sisters decided it would be best, and safest, to ask young Hi'iakikapoliopele to approach the sleeping Pele. Hi'iaka, Pele's most beloved sister, was sent for. The messenger, Pā'ūopla'ā, told her of the problem.
In her youthful innocence, Hi'iaka shrugged off the fears of the older sisters and promptly sat at Pele's side reciting a chant, encouraging her to awake. Instantly, the roaming spirit form of Pele returned to her physical sleeping body, and the volcano goddess came to life.






Relieved from their concerns over Pele, the sisters all returned to their home at Kilauea.
Pele, however, had new intentions. She neede someone to go to Kaua'i to fetch her lover, Lohi’au, and bring him to Puna. To prepare her sisters for such a request, she prepared a feast of luau leaves, one of the Pele's favorite foods. While the leaves were being cooked, she made her request to each of sisters. None of them would agree to undertake the mission. They all cited the many perils of such a journey and excused themselves.
Pele was left with only one alternative. The girl, Hi’iaka, would have to do it.
Hi’iaka was out surfing with her dear friend, poe, when the messenger from Pele arrived to order her to appear before Pele. Hi’iaka, with her keen sense of intuition and forsight, suspected something momentous was about to be asked of her. She readied herself to go before Pele.






Her older sisters were not happy with Hi'iaka when the girl obediently agreed to Pele's request to escort Lohi'au.  Their fear and excuses seemed even more glaring and cowardly now.
Pele laid down some strict rules for Hi'iaka to follow. The young girl was not to touch or to show any affection toward Lohi'au, for five days, could Hi'iaka have him for her own. Not before, on penalty of death. And Hi'iaka, inturn, and on the advice of her old sisters, made some requests of Pele as well. She asked to be given special spiritual powers to confront the perils along the dangerous journey. She also requested of the firey Pele that no destruction was to come to the lehua forests she loved. Nor was Pele to harm Hōpoe, Hi'iaka 's dearest friend.
Pele agreed to Hi'iaka's requests and she assigned a travelling companion, the woman, Pā'ūopla'ā to accompany her.

